

在本周的MD文化俱乐部中,我们采访了托管云和安全服务提供商 iomart, interviewing three of their team to gain insights into what life is like there and what attributes make up their company culture. 

Jane Middleton,首席人事官


Iomart是一家托管云和安全服务提供商. 我们与组织合作,帮助他们设计和管理IT环境. 成立于1998年, 我们于2000年在伦敦证券交易所上市, 继续在技能上成长和投资, 技术, network and data centre infrastructure to help our customers deliver their services efficiently and securely. 

We have around 400 employees who would normally work out of our offices and data centres across the UK however 结果是 of the pandemic most are currently working from their homes. 相当多的人在全球最大的博彩平台和英格兰西北部生活和工作. 

我们是一个相对‘年轻’的组织, 就我们经营的时间而言,这些年来我们一直很有收购欲, 我们的文化在不断发展壮大. 尤其是在过去的12个月, we have placed a big focus on developing and harnessing the right culture to make us as successful in the future as we are today. 

我们是一家托管服务提供商,这意味着我们需要一种以客户为中心的文化,反过来, 这意味着我们都是全球最大的博彩平台人的.  This can be a challenge in a technically focused organisation but we try to place just as much emphasis on values and behaviours as we do on technical know-how – this is really important.    

这体现在我们公司的价值观上,我们在封锁期间定义并传达了这些价值观.  当然, launching values doesn’t change your culture but it is important to communicate your expectations and talk about the kinds of behaviours that underpin those values – relentlessly!  我们花了相当多的时间在这上面,虽然远程操作是一个挑战, 我们真的开始看到好处了.  Our values are focused on positive relationships and teamwork as well as everyone being accountable for the part they play – at the core it’s about customer centricity – so if we all do these things the way we should, 我们确实把客户放在第一位.  

The biggest challenge has been lockdown and doing all of this remotely – human connection is essential with the kind of culture we are developing.  So we’ve adapted and tried to do much more on people engagement to gauge feedback – I think that has been the hardest thing to do due to remote working so we’ve done a lot with our people and managers on this.  例如,其中一些反馈导致了其他事情的实现, we now have a mindfulness and well-being programme in place covering the next 12 months and beyond; and we recently launched a new flexible working arrangement providing far greater flexibility to our people on start and finish times.  It’s really important that people have a way to provide feedback and even more important that they can see change happening following the feedback – this is encouraging a much more open and innovative culture at iomart.


作为我上面所描述的文化和价值观的一部分, 这是我们招聘过程和招聘决策中必不可少的一部分.  我们正在进行我称之为“价值观”主导的招聘.  这并不意味着我们不认可技术技能, 显然,这对我们的许多角色都是至关重要的, 但这意味着我们关注行为和价值观,就像我们关注某人的技术能力一样. It is really important that people understand our values before they join us and that we’re comfortable that they will succeed and progress in our organisation.

We’ve also changed our performance management framework and we’ve moved away from annual appraisals and appraisal ratings, 这是一项巨大的管理任务,没有什么价值.  我们开发了MAP——管理敏捷性能.  MAP鼓励全年定期“签到”,讨论进展情况.  这是全球最大的博彩平台人们分享他们的成就, 讨论他们的挑战,更重要的是, 在行为和输出之间建立联系.

我们也非常注重多样性和包容性.  整个行业在这个问题上面临着挑战,但这不是不关注它的借口.  We want to be really aspirational with our culture and to achieve that we must foster one that is diverse and inclusive.  我们将着眼于解决这个问题的一个主要领域是领导力框架.  This will include a comprehensive development programme for our people managers aimed at driving a more diverse and inclusive culture.  在战术层面上,我们正在考虑我们的一些人事政策, 例如, we are currently reviewing some of the language we use in our recruitment adverts to ensure we are attracting the talent we need to bring in to our organisation.  

这一切都与敏捷有关, 在人才战略方面,我们的思维是开放和创新的.



Our culture will continue to evolve and I think in the last 12 months this has definitely accelerated as we’ve adapted to new ways of working.

It is very likely that we will move to a hybrid working model in the future – this is a great opportunity to retain and attract great talent!

Sharon Mars Leach,首席营销官


我最近十大正规博彩网站评级iomart,担任首席营销官, 这意味着我将负责我们在市场上的定位:我们的形象如何, 我们说的话, 以及我们怎么说. 

我的主要职责是关注我们的客户——倾听他们的需求, 并与我们的企业合作,以满足这些期望. The industry in which we operate can be quite technical and it’s all too easy for some businesses in our sector to resort to acronyms and product jargon when speaking with their customers. My job is to bridge the gap between our highly skilled technical experts and our prospective customers in the market – connecting the services we provide with the everyday challenges our customers are facing in order to make their lives easier. 


iomart是一个了不起的英国成功故事, 在过去的20年里,从早期的科技初创企业成长为一家上市公司. The business is bubbling with potential and remains as ambitious today as it was when it first started out, 这使它成为一个非常令人兴奋的地方. 

具体地说, 从营销的角度来看, I think we’ve only just scratched the surface of what the brand could be and a significant focus of my role will be to continue to develop the brand profile and maximise awareness of iomart in the UK market. 



这很不寻常,因为我十大正规博彩网站评级时我们正处于全国封锁状态, 因此,我对公司的整个介绍都是虚拟的. 然而, 尽管和我坐在同一个房间里执行我之前的角色感觉有点奇怪, 我不得不说这太棒了.

Every virtual introduction I’ve done and every call I’ve been on I have been genuinely quite taken aback by how humble and down to earth everyone is. 在我的世界里没有自我的空间, 结果是, 这是一种真正意义上的团队合作. 在我们开始执行下一阶段的战略和, 就我个人而言, 一群我非常期待在未来几年与之合作的人.



I oversee the daily operational effectiveness of the multiple data centres iomart owns across the North of England and the Midlands, 确保我们的客户服务24小时正常运行. 我在全球最大的博彩平台工作, 我们有几个dc, 并定期前往我负责的地区的所有网站. My job is to manage the engineering team and work with third party specialists to make sure any planned and reactive mechanical and electrical maintenance is completed correctly and successfully.

数据中心是非常技术性的环境, 包含各种形式的IT托管设备, 例如网络交换机, 处理系统和存储设备. 停机时间是一个禁忌, 他们必须一周七天都在工作, 一年365天提供客户期望和应得的高品质服务. 这意味着适应力至关重要, 所以我一直在监控我们的主电源, 备用发电, 电气协调和整流, 设备和配电的冷却.

I also help our technical sales teams around specific requirements for our customers and I support our compliance manager to ensure that our data centres are auditable in line with iomart’s many ISO accreditations.

你已经在这家公司工作好几年了, 你能告诉我是什么原因让你在这家公司呆了这么久吗?

工作环境的多样性是让我留在公司的原因. 有这么多设备在使用,每天都带来新的挑战. 我可以为客户的项目提供建议, 在紧迫的时间内修复故障, 或者管理一个复杂的维护过程.

支持ing the business and influencing the development of our services for customers gives me great satisfaction. 当你不断地围绕业务的不同部分建立你的知识时, 没有比这更好的了.


这是一个快节奏、不断变化的环境,充满挑战. 如果你拥抱它,你就会享受它. 


为了了解更多全球最大的博彩平台imart和他们所做的工作, 点击这里.

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